Lorgnette Pinhole Occluder.
The Lorgnette Pinhole Occluder is a versatile tool used in Ophthalmic and Optometric exams, offering a range of benefits to both patients and examiners. With its practical design and functionality, this occluder enhances the examination process, allowing for accurate visual acuity testing and assessment of refractive errors. It provides a hands-free operation, making it convenient for examiners to perform other tasks while the patient holds the occluder.
Product Features:
1. Hands-free Operation: The Lorgnette Occluder can be held by the patient, freeing the examiner's hands for other necessary tasks during the examination, improving efficiency and workflow.
2. Suitable for All Ages: This occluder is suitable for patients of all ages, including children who quickly grasp its use, facilitating a smooth and comfortable examination experience.
3. Pinhole Drop-in: The occluder is equipped with a drop-in feature that includes 17 pinholes. These pinholes enable the focused entry of light into the eye, temporarily minimizing the impact of refractive errors such as myopia. The pinhole test helps assess visual acuity, indicating whether the patient's vision can potentially be improved with prescription lenses or if further investigation is required to identify underlying ocular issues.
4. Visual Acuity Testing in Mydriatic Patients: The Lorgnette Pinhole Occluder is particularly useful for testing visual acuity in Mydriatic patients whose irises are unable to contract. By compensating for the lack of iris functionality, the occluder assists the eye in achieving a retinal projection similar to that of a non-cycloplegic eye, enabling accurate assessment of visual acuity.
Technical Details:
- Hands-free operation allows examiners to perform other tasks efficiently.
- Drop-in feature with 17 pinholes for focused light entry and assessment of visual acuity.
- Suitable for patients of all ages, including children.
- Provides assistance in testing visual acuity in Mydriatic patients.
- Enables accurate assessment of refractive errors and identification of ocular conditions.
The Lorgnette Pinhole Occluder is an essential tool in Ophthalmic and Optometric exams, ensuring accurate visual acuity testing and efficient examination processes. With its user-friendly design and versatile functionality, it enhances patient comfort and aids examiners in obtaining reliable results.