Haag Streit
HAAG-STREIT Octopus 600 Basic - Refurbished
This refurbished Octopus 600 basic is in excellent condition. All of our refurbished equipment are tested and quality inspected by factory trained personnel. We offer a 3 months labor and parts warranty on all factory refurbished products and also offer an upgrade to a 1 year warranty at a discounted rate. To learn more about the Octopus 600 basic and our free extended warranty call (800) 597-7152.
Includes Power Table
Expert in early glaucoma detection and follow-up
With the Octopus 600, Haag-Streit has introduced a new perimetry technology that makes use of a TFT-based monitor to produce stimuli and background. This allows the instrument to display complex stimuli such as Pulsar, which would otherwise not be possible with cupola-based or projection type perimeters. Combining both Pulsar early glaucoma detection and standard white-on-white perimetry, the instrument is capable of covering the most important stages of disease progression, allowing for early diagnosis and follow-up.
Early diagnosis and standard white-on-white perimetry in one device.
The Octopus 600 extends the successful Haag-Streit product range of visual field analyzers, combining the Pulsar method for early glaucoma detection and stan- dard white-on-white perimetry for long term follow- up in a single compact, standalone device.
Fast and reliable Pulsar test method for early glaucoma detection
Various studies over the past decades have shown that contrast sensitivity and flicker sensitivity are af- fected in glaucoma. The Pulsar method combines both by presenting a contrast-modulated ring target that flickers at 10 Hz in counterphase, resulting in the method of choice for early glaucoma detection.
- Novel perimeter technology for early diagnosis and standard white-on-white perimetry in one compact sized instrument.
- Easy, straight forward operation with touch screen optimized and networkable EyeSuite® software that saves you and your patients time.
- World innovation in perimetry – fast and reliable Pulsar test method for early glaucoma detection.
A perfect team: Early diagnosis and standard white-on-white perimetry in one device
The Octopus® 600 extends the successful HAAGSTREIT product range of visual field analysers combining the Pulsar method for early glaucoma detection and standard white-on-white perimetry for long term follow-up in one compact and standalone device. It is the first visual field analyser that performs standard white-on-white perimetry on an integrated flicker-free screen, using TFT and LED technology.
Perimetry simplified
The same, easy to use EyeSuite® software already known from the Octopus® 900 has been further streamlined to operate the Octopus® 600. The intuitive concept of both the examination and viewing screens are the key components of the new touch screen optimized user interface.
Results can be analyzed on the device immediately after the examination is finished or sent to a printer, EMR system or DICOM server. The Octopus® 600 can produce reliable visual field results with minimal user training and it doesn’t take an expert to run a reliable field.
It just takes 3 simple steps:
1. Select patient
2. Choose Pulsar or standard white-on-white
3. Hit the start button
The streamlined workflow increases patient throughput while still making use of proven Octopus® concepts such as fixation control to obtain reliable results.
World innovation in perimetry – fast and reliable Pulsar test method for early glaucoma detection
Pulsar is a patented flicker stimulus, displaying a ring pattern with different contrast levels in counter-phase. Independent studies confirm, the test is easy – even pleasant – to take, while being both sensitive and specific in the early detection of Glaucoma.
- Alternating of image and counter-image at 10 Hz
- Stimulus duration 500 ms
- Modulated in contrast and spatial resolution
- No sharp edges or dominant directions
Unlike other early diagnostic methods that challenge the patient with hard to distinguish answering criteria, Pulsar requires no more than a simple click for every target that appears. Invented in 1998 by Prof. González de la Rosa, the method has been extensively validated and refined to result in today’s „Pulsar T30W“ test. Haag-Streit provided this new method to independent research groups. The results were very convincing. Consequently, Haag-Streit has created a new perimeter based on this exciting method for early glaucoma detection: The Octopus® 600.