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  • Reichert 12603 Main Bulb

Reichert 12603 Lensmeter Bulb

$23.95 $20.00
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Product Description

The Reichert 12603 Lensmeter Bulb is a vital component that provides essential illumination for the Reichert 12603 lensmeter. Designed to deliver bright and focused lighting, this bulb ensures optimal visibility and clarity when measuring and evaluating lenses. With its reliable performance and precise fit, it enhances the functionality of the lensmeter, enabling accurate measurements and facilitating efficient workflow in ophthalmic practices.

Product Features:

- Main Illumination Bulb: The Reichert 12603 Lensmeter Bulb serves as the primary light source for the Reichert 12603 lensmeter, delivering the necessary illumination for accurate lens measurements.
- Bright and Focused Lighting: This bulb provides bright and focused lighting, ensuring clear visibility of lens markings and details during measurements.
- Reliable Performance: Designed to meet the high-quality standards set by Reichert, this bulb offers reliable performance for consistent and accurate lens evaluations.

Product Benefits:

- Enhanced Visibility: The Reichert 12603 Lensmeter Bulb provides bright and focused illumination, allowing eye care professionals to easily and accurately read lens parameters and markings.
- Efficient Workflow: With its reliable performance, this bulb contributes to an efficient workflow in ophthalmic practices, enabling quick and precise lens measurements.
- Longevity: Designed to withstand frequent use, this bulb offers durability and longevity, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Technical Details:

- Compatibility: Specifically designed for use with the Reichert 12603 lensmeter.
- Lighting: Provides bright and focused illumination for clear visibility during lens measurements.
- Installation: Designed for easy installation and replacement.

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